Island Tour

07 Mar 2025

We decided to take a quick island tour as we were getting ready to head out. That of course started by passing through the Tetsuo Harano Tunnel toward the windward side of the island.

We arrived at Kailua beach, thinking we'd take a kayak out to one of the islands just off the coast. However, the winds were gusting at 30mph, so we decided to not practice capsizing.

From there we wound around to Makapu'u point to watch for whales. We think we spied some, but they were way out so we really aren't sure.

Noticing that we were close to a Leonard's Bakery, we stopped to get a Malasada for a snack.

And of course, we were right next to Kona Brewing Co. so we had to stop in for a drink!

The next day, we decided to share with the rest of family. The birds were really excited for the discarded buckets the Malasada dough was stored in.

Finally, it was time to head back state-side, so we took the red-eye on Hawaiian airlines.